JP Herman

Oct 21, 20194 min

Session 01.24 - 17.09.2019

Duration: 20:29 (at the bottom of this post you can listen to the original audio transmission)


Good afternoon.

As one undertakes becoming conscious of the spiritual aspects of their life....they also undertake an awareness of other, though not separate, nonphysical aspects of existence: energies, collective vibrations, and all form of extrasensory contribution to experience.

As all humans are capable of allowing very deep, or heightened extrasensory perception, all humans--when coming to know the energy that animates their own lives--will have access or contact with the residue of all other energies, to a greater or lesser degree. One side affect of having these subtle channels open, is confusion. However, confusion only arises when one is attempting to give meaning to new situations based upon old understandings. When affected or one notices new forms of energy, new feelings, sensations, experiences running through their system and tries to identify these based upon their understandings of existence from a 3D perspective, inaccurate labels will get applied to the sensations.

For example, the sensation of a higher energy running through a physical vessel is unlike typical human emotions and sensations and, if placed in comparison with them, could be labeled as more intense... and if one were to take this label further and try to identify the sensation and emotion connected with these energies, one's vocabulary, depending upon their current state of perspective, may settle upon a term or label that one is already familiar with..such as anxiety, fear, sorrow, or on the other end of the spectrum: delight, excitement, mania, ecstasy.

All of these labels and terms are incorrect and detrimental to the experiencing of the energy unfolding in the vessel.

Labeling in this way will delay the integration of the new energies. It will slow the progress of the physical vessel and the mental and emotional bodies from accepting and preparing themselves for higher and more subtle versions of the same energies. For what the being is actually feeling cannot be labeled in terms that the mind currently has and even searching for a new label with other vocabulary, perhaps, or vocabulary that has not existed up until this point, would be futile for the energies to which we are referring, do not exist on a level where vocabulary as you use it, is commonplace.

If one entity, or being, or individuation wants to express these levels of energies to another being, or entity or individuation, they simply transmit the sensation of it and no label is needed. What we see happen, when new energies are allowed into a system and are being labeled, is that the Being that has accepted these energies, can find themselves struggling in a period of adjustment where their mind is trying to apply an understanding to the changes and what is happening to them, and we say to you that this struggling is unnecessary.

To alleviate this struggle, we suggest a immersion, or diving-into of the energy itself... and if the mind needs an occupation during this bath, it may take the role of a curious spectator while you, as awareness, soak in the new sensations of energy.

And as you soak in them without need to categorize or explain themselves and simply stay and observe and be with the sensation, you'll find that it becomes far easier to integrate and accept these frequencies and with your permission, acceleration will continue on its trajectory...taking along with it, your growth.

It is clear that to perform such a task, silence and isolation are beneficial. However do not underestimate in doing any task, or non task as this would be, while in the company of other selves, or while during one's more impunitive daily tasks. For in truth, all that would be needed would be intention. And so one could ask their higher self or inner self or true self, with intention to gently and without labeling, integrate these energies and adopt them as one's own.

The nature of existence is that catalyst will propel one towards one's goals. And so, no discomfort should be feared and should be revered for what it is...which is you telling yourself what is, and what is not, suitable for your growth.

We would like to remind you as well that there is no rush. Many of you, this vessel included, have the distortion towards control and speed. And slowing is always a positive choice as rushing implies that you are future oriented, and the future is actually The Now.

This misunderstanding that... the sooner one completes a task the better one will be...can be let go of, presently.

There is nowhere to run to, and you cannot know what your actions will lead to, so do not pretend to know. The only evidence that you have ever had, that action causes reaction, has been you referencing in the Now, something that happened in the past. But apart from memory you have no proof that something ever did happen. There is a flexibility in time and space that you will soon (and we laugh because soon is a time based concept and so we can replace the word 'soon' with 'now') be able to manipulate at will.

Nothing has ever happened, and nothing can ever happen. All time and all space flows through you and not the other way around. We are hoping that this chat has given you some relief. We know that you have been thinking that you have been struggling, but you have not, you have simply been in a bath of new energies without knowing you were in the bath. Light yourself some candles, put on some music, and grab the bubbles. You may relax.

We love you and wish you an amazing day.

- Channeled by JP Herman


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