JP Herman

Aug 6, 201913 min

Session 01.19 - 06.08.2019

Length: 00:39:24

Participants: JP Herman, Karissa Wiekamp, Elysia Blaire

V: Sorrow is a state of expansion. You would be well to recall that in moments in which energy moves through you in powerful ways it is a step forward and not in reverse. The power that you are being offered to claim as your own is proportional to the intensity of the energetic emotional offering. In times of emotional movement it can be of some comfort to recall that the only way to experience emotion is to be ready to experience it and ready to allow the discrepancy between who you currently are and who you currently are- or- who you currently want to be to be bridged.

We say good afternoon and good evening to you.

Q: Hello!

V: Hello.

Q: Can you speak more on trusting life?

V: What would you like to know?

Q: I think I want to feel reassurance.

V: For assurance on this topic all one has to do is look around themselves for there has never been a moment in which you were not provided for, in which you were threatened in any way or in which anything has ever gone wrong or ever could ever go wrong… and so it is quite perplexing as to how there could even be a lack of trust in this perfectly orchestrated system of continual growth.

The ability to lack trust is in itself an illusion which points to how unbelievably creative you are as creators. And so even this doubt, or lack of trust in the universe, points to how powerfully magnificent and godlike you actually are. When you trust the universe you are trusting yourself for there is no universe apart from yourself and if you consider this concept deeply you would wonder what is it about yourself that you believe cannot be trusted.

You will not find reassurance outside of yourself and we could offer words that would reassure, but you would not believe them.

Q: I’d like to ask a question about how to perceive or value another being who is a conduit for unconditional love… who is my conduit for receiving unconditional love. What is a proper perspective in valuing the individual and their choices in this?

V: The question is not entirely clear. There is much cloudiness around the question. Can you reformulate it to tap into what you truly desire to know? For we do believe that you already know how to value another self.

Q: Sometimes I feel alone somehow when seeing that I never truly experience someone else. I only experience my perception of them… so then I feel alone when I see that it’s only ever me. So what is my lack? What am I missing here so that I feel alone or separate?

V: It is interesting that you identify the situation as: you seeing more of yourself in another self, and that you then claim to be separate from that other self. For if you are seeing yourself in another self you are automatically also a part of that other self. The confusion, perhaps, is that you are believing in the illusion that there is anything more, or, different than this construction of reality.

And so, the other self that you have created in your consciousness to show you more of yourself is created by you, for you and every conversation or interaction you have with that other self is created by you for you and yes, you cannot actually interact with another self because another self does not actually exist. Not because they exist separate from you, but because they do not exist beyond your perception of them. And you do not exist beyond their perception of you however this second part is not necessary because their perception of you does not exist without your perception of you and they do not exist.

To answer the question on the sentimental level that it was asked: The loophole for not feeling alone is to shift your perspective to feeling as if you are one with that being because you are one with that being because you are one with your perception of that being.

To continuously ask for confirmation of a separate being for a separate perception of you and the relationship means that you are automatically separating yourself from that being which is far more separate than the perception that you have now that you cannot access that being because you are separate because you only have access to your perception of them.

To shift from a sensation of feeling alone to a sensation of feeling connected one must arrive at the understanding that the perception of the other is the other. And since you are in a position where you know your perception has more to do with you than it does with another self if your perception of the other is all that exists and you feel separate from that what you are really telling yourself and teaching yourself with this sensation of loneliness is that you feel separate from yourself. Which is true, perhaps because you have not entirely integrated all of the mmm emotional woundings or mmm self-worth or self-talk that you have learnt through your interaction with your perception of other selves in your life to come to a place where you can accept all of yourself.

Your question about the one or the ones who show you the example of what you are calling unconditional love are there for you to learn unconditional love for self and the way that you value them is the way that you value all things coming to a place of understanding that it is all lessons, that it is all beautiful, that it is all perfect and that it is all created by you for you.

On a more mainstream level… if you were to choose to see other selves as separate from you then the answer would be to value them by appreciating them for the lessons that they are giving to you… of course this is not the entire truth because they are not giving lessons to you, you are giving lessons to yourself and the image you have created of this other self is the channel you have decided to use to teach yourself this lesson.

As consciousness is all one, as we are all one, there is no violation, on any level, of using any other self in this manner to learn our lessons because of course it is a contract that one enters into with every other self because the moment you can perceive of another portion of consciousness within your consciousness it has already been agreed upon by both portions of consciousness which, on the higher level of course, are one.

The beauty that arrives from this form of realization is so overwhelmingly potent that it needs to be fed to your being in doses, for if you were to see it all at once, you would be blinded by it. And in fact, some of the beings in your societies who are not quite adjusted to interacting with others or who are, are claimed to, have mental illness have seen this beauty in doses that have been higher than they have been able to process.

You are not separate and you are never alone.

It is our excitement that in your present now there will become times of experimentation with this concept more fully and each of you will wake to realize quite how connected you are and that these connections do not have meaning in the way you have believed connections to have in the past but have completely different meanings and a potency that will skyrocket each of you to your ideal true self.

Has this been helpful to the question?

Q: Yes thank you.

V: Thank you.

Q: So I have a question about death. Yesterday my grandpa died. I’m just curious to hear from you: What happens when we die? And for my grandpa… Where did he go and does the soul keep an individualization that is now more energetic and not as material?

V: Due to the personal and sensitive nature of this question we would like to ask from which level you would like for us to respond.

Q: I’m not sure what my option are…

V: Then we may respond from several and you may choose which one feels the best you and which is in most service to yourself. Would that be appropriate?

Q: Fantastic. Yes, that would be great.

V: Wonderful.

The concept of death is an assumption. There has never been nor ever will be anyone who dies for, from the perspective of each individual, death is only something that they have experienced, up until their own presumable death, as an observer on an external level. So throughout beings lives they witness, people and animals and vegetation around them die, or what they claim to be as dying. And so with this experience they have drawn the conclusion that they too will die one day. However no one has ever died from a first person perspective.

It is as equally probable that you will never die as it is that you will. In 100 years time you may still be alive and they may invent a medicine that you take every morning that increases your longevity and this will be your permission slip to continue to believe that you can live forever… And so on this level one must remember that death is a concept within the illusion of this particular construction of what is called reality, however there is no proof that anyone dies.

What you are talking about, in terms of your relative passing, is the image on a screen of a being that you interacted with no longer interacting with you. That is not proof that they have what you call, died. That is not proof that they do not exist. That is not proof that their essence does not continue. It is only proof that their body no longer moves. If that is even proof.

The essence of the portion of consciousness that you are referring to does not change or leave in any way whatsoever. What changes or leaves is your perception of it. You perceive of a relative or being as being alive and then you perceive of them as being dead. This in part is because your culture and the way the system has been set up for you has allows you to believe this… and it serves you, so we would not say that it is necessary to not believe it, but on the more expanded level your grandfather was never alive and so he did not die.

On your more personal level, a relationship that you had that brought value to your experience seems to have come to an end. And this, is of course, something that will create emotions within you based upon the beliefs on that subject. And this is natural. But we would suggest that you remember that it is natural that these emotions come up because there is something about your beliefs on the subject that is not in line with the universal truths.

And so if you are sad that you will never be able to speak to him again, then the opposite is that you can speak to him again… and if that feeling is better then that is the one that is more true. How can you speak to him again? Well… that is up to you but we guarantee you that you can. And if your belief is that mortality is a negative thing and that makes you feel sad then the opposite of that is that immortality is in existence and we guarantee to you that it is possible to be immortal - and that you all are.

And so, death is one of those subjects that is so very confused in your world and so very misunderstood and makes you all feel terrible because you are all so confused about it. Every time you have a close being that passes you are in a position where you are being offered the opportunity to no longer feel as confused about this subject and no longer have to feel negative aspects of it and so are able to become more free. And on a level in between both of those solutions, or explanations perhaps, there is also the beautiful truth that for every being that passes, their soul, as you said, gets added back to the infinite intelligence and they then become, possibly more so, available to all those whom they loved in their lives. As guides or, messengers perhaps. We would love for you to know what a celebration transition is. And what a choice it is on the part of the one that has transitioned. And how, often, a transition happens because the one who is transitioning knows that it is the perfect moment for all those around them to push the boundaries of their current belief systems.

There is only love. And so much more so when all the bags have been put down and forgotten.

Q: That’s great. Thank you.

V: Thank you.

Q: I wanted to check in on something Bashar says and see if there is anything you would add or clarify that would be beneficial to me? What Bashar says, for people who don’t know, is that if you follow your resonance to the best of your ability without insistence on a particular outcome your needs will always be met, they always are met, so you can trust that following your resonance will only add to that unfolding, essentially. All of those needs being physical emotional financial etcetera. Could you speak on that?

V: Yes this is true. We would also like to add that even if you do not follow your resonance your needs will always be met. For when you are not following your resonance what is being offered to you is a new opportunity to do so. And if you are in a position where you are not following your resonance and not following your highest intuition you will be continually be presented with opportunities to do so. Those opportunities will lead you to meeting your needs. This can get extreme because the opportunities to offer for you to listen to your resonance can seem to be going against your needs. However they are actually pointing you towards them by offering you the exact contrast that will, most likely, push you towards learning the lesson of following your resonance. However if you are some master of self, which many of you are not, and this is perfect because you have not come here to be masters you have come here to learn mastery, then this master of self - following their resonance - will have their needs met, of course.

We would just like to reassure those of you who are not masters, which is the majority of you, that even if you are not following your resonance your needs will always be met and you will always be safe and protected.

The universe is equally benevolent to those who follow their resonance as those who do not. It is up to the being to decide if they want to have an easy life or a difficult one. And often the being does not follow their resonance because they are simply confused that if they were to follow their resonance they would have a more difficult life than the life that they are currently choosing by not following their resonance which in our overview seems to cause more ‘negative’ emotional states. However we do not judge the emotional states as negative because they are pointing those beings back towards their resonance and therefore are extremely positive.

It is the goal, perhaps, and not necessarily, to feel good. Those of you who are not naturally able to make choices that will lead to feeling good may need to feel bad before they learn how to feel good. Or, before they learn how to make those choices. So Bashar is suggesting the simpler path because, of course, if you are following your resonance you will have to have presented to you less catalyst. If you are not following your resonance you will be presented more catalyst which will lead you to learning the lesson of following your resonance if that is what you choose.

There are people who enjoy the struggle. And enjoying the struggle perhaps is the most exciting thign that they could think of and so that is their resonance.

The question is why would you not follow your resonance?

Q: Can I actually answer that?

V: It was a question. Yes.

Q: I think that often times I've used the idea that others will feel pain if I follow my resonance and so to avoid pain in myself or within them that its better to continue disregarding my resonance.

V: Yes. We would say that you are holding a belief that the feelings of others are in any way your responsibility to the exclusion of your own feelings in fact. So you have the equation slightly backwards. You are taking responsibility for what you are not responsible and not taking responsibility for what you are.

Q: Thank you that’s really helpful.

V: Thank you.

Q: This is essentially has been answered many times but from this angle I feel something new may be discovered in asking this question so the question is. Is there really no beneficial reason to ever feel guilty or shameful?

V: Yes. The only reason why those two emotions would be beneficial would be because they show you they are not beneficial. It sounds redundant, and it is, but those emotions of guilt and shame and blame are very related to the equation that you misunderstood earlier. When beings remember that they actually cannot harm one another and it is only our own perceptions of a situation that cause suffering then there will be levels of freedom in interaction that are far more loving than they are presently in your reality. The sensations, because we will not even call them emotions… guilt is not an emotion, shame is not an emotion and blame is not an emotion… they are erroneous perceptions of a situation… they cause emotions but they are not emotions. These three concepts actually block connection because they reinforce erroneous perceptions of self and other. There is actually no thing that you can do in existence that would cause guilt.You cannot be guilty of action because guilt requires judgment. And since all that is is accepted by all that is any form of judgement is in dissonance with truth and the moment there is dissonance with truth there will be, fortunately, emotions that let you know that you are not in alignment with truth. If every time the sensation or perception of guilt arises you were to reiterate that you are perfectly innocent and that your actions are god moving through you and your actions are perhaps god teaching through you, you would immediately feel relief.

Shame is similar. Shame means you believe that something you have done or something that you fundamentally are is not acceptable in the eyes of God or all-that-is and of course you’re going to get a tap on the shoulder from the ‘big guy’ going ‘what are you thinking? How is this possible? You are so amazing and special that you have done something that I could possibly not approve of? You have done something outside of my realm? How?’¹

We think you are safe to let these concepts go and we will be releasing the vessel and bid you goodnight.



Notes from Jess:

¹The end of the transmission took on a playful tone. There was no real significance behind the statement 'the big guy' with regards to expressing god as being male or female or an individual entity beyond using the concept that is known in our culture for effect.

²The doorbell rang a millisecond after the last words offered as my children had returned from playing at the park. The timing was impeccable and in the original transmission you can hear my son yell out 'mommy' a moment later. The transmission ended abruptly but they knew I would no longer be able to hold the connection.

Channeled and transcribed by JP Herman

Image: The Death of Socrates Jacques-Louis David, 1787

