JP Herman

Jul 30, 201912 min

Session 01.15 - 31.07.2019


JP Herman, Karissa Wieskamp, Elysia Blaire,Stephanie Claus, Bastien Spoorman

Duration: 01:04:49


Good afternoon and welcome.

(group) Hello

We are pleased there are more of you, as in this way there is more of us, and we are sure that you will find what you are looking for, as you always do.

Q: I want to ask a question regarding what you said to us before about everyone having a God-Given gift and it’s our choice to use it or even our choice to not..but what would you say to someone who doesn't know what their gift is or doesnt know what their unique gift is in this world? Do you have any advice for someone like that?

A: Yes. We would say there is no one like that and the example that you are using is not the being does not know what their gift is, it's just that they do not see the value in their gift and believe that the gift they have been given is somehow less important or not useful, or not exciting, or that they do not have access to it. You all know what your gifts are when you stop blocking yourselves from what your gifts are. And when you find them, they are as obvious to you as your hands. They are not lost or unknown or hidden. Your gift is Who You Are. As soon as you stop judging or trying to fix or change, your actions will reflect who you are, and your gift will flow through you.

There is not one gift. The being IS the gift. Your work, if there was work, would be to... get out of the way. It is a paradox that as you are remembering who you are, you are also forgetting... everything else. And so, there are two shortcuts:

One is remembering who you are, and the other is forgetting everything else. It is likely that your gift is hidden in what you fear the most about yourself. For it could only be fear that is keeping you from it. So stepping into your fear may also be a shortcut.

Q: I have a personal type of question and... I wanted to acknowledge my frustration when I realized I was connecting to Archangel Michael when I thought I was connecting to Arcturians and I’ve seen how I can love myself deeper and how this serves. But can you speak on expectations for us?

A: Yes, first…we would like to underline that there are no personal questions. For it is impossible for anything to be personal. Consciousness is one and you adopting anything that flows through consciousness as your own or personal or seperate from the rest of the all simply makes things more difficult for you and if you were to reframe your experiences and queries as part of the whole and All That Is choosing to have that experience, you will have relief, faster. As to your query about connections, we would also like to remind you that there is no difference between Arcturians and Archangel Micheal. There are one and the same, as are you, as are we. And you will not get something or information that is different from the information that you are seeking, no matter the source as there is only one source. And so, if you are... dissatisfied, but why would you be with the experience coming to you, then you may seek a different experience.

Expectations are not choices, you are not choosing when you are expecting something.

You are hoping. It is coming from a lack energy when you expect because if you chose you would Know and your experience would reflect this knowing.

An expectation can only exist when there is doubt of your chosen outcome, and if there is doubt in your chosen outcome, then what you will recieve is doubt.

The teachings that remind you to release expectations, do so, not because expectations are bad... but because, when one has expectations... they will receive the opposite of what they expect.

And so, the next time you would like to peer into the future, which is not necessary but... of course, your choice, we would suggest Choosing as opposed to Expecting.

This game of Doubt is being played out on a collective level for your civilization because of the…. increase... in catalysts that would have you choose. So, doubt arises to remind you how important it is To Choose. Doubt arises to remind you that, without a doubt, you truly can control your entire existence.

And the opposite of doubt is faith. And so, that is the beautiful lesson of this sentiment. It will push you, eventually, to choose faith. It is also wise to leave the future be, and bow in the humility that while you Know, you do not know. And not knowing, is the purest and wisest choice you can make, because it brings you back to the What Is and the self, which is all you could truly ever know.

….(long pause)

We feel like movie stars.* (group laughter)

Q: Can you speak on emotional resiliency? One of the earlier channelings spoke about going out into spaces where there's beings with different frequencies and practice maintaining our preferred state, if I remember correctly. I feel this is wise for me to do. So can you speak on that as well as how I can practice my preferred state when I'm alone?

A: Yes, it is going to be simply the positioning yourself next to something that shakes your foundation. That IS the practice. And maintaining compassion for yourself when you do not live up to your expectations of what it is meant to look like to be what you've called Resilient. It is not a case of resiliencey because there is no reason why you need to maintain your frequency. It is not important, however, it is beneficial both to you and to other selves if you can maintain your light and giving nature in all circumstances. Especially as circumstance calls for that light. And so when you find yourself in a market square and the energies around you feel chaotic or...hostile, may choose to the grain of salt that dissolves in the water, salting all of it. As opposed to another drop of water that becomes consumed by that energy. You may not change the entire market, but you will surely change yourself. And is this the work that is being requested of you, not because it is important or necessary, but because it could be of use. And everyone likes to feel good. When you are on your own, you have many tools and already know of these tools to raise your vibration and practice meditation. Sources of inspiration and reading, expressing yourself physically...creatively...or simply watching existence as it passes through you, are some of these tools which we have listed for the benefit of those who do not yet experiment with them. And to know if you are successful is easy, because you will feel good. And you are feeling bad, in any way, stop that action, or thought and adopt a new direction. Was this answer satisfactory?

Q: Yes thank you.

A: Thank you.

Q: What did you mean when you said, “We feel like movie stars”?

A: Well, we are on a movie screen.

Q: Ohhh (group laughter) That’s cute.

A: We have never been on a movie screen. (group laughter)

Q: Maybe you already know or sense my question, but it's in regards to what I recently learned about my Gene Keys and relationships and my aura being able to penetrate other auras? And I would love any clarification on this and how my role in out. (laughs)

A: We will not...speak on the system directly, but, can sense it to you and your questions. We believe you are asking us who you are, or asking in your research who you are, and this is a beautiful question. And yes, there are components that you came into this incarnation with that are not unchangeable but are previously decided by you. And looking at these components is useful as you begin to understand your personality-construct in order to deconstruct it. You are one that thrives in relating-ship as you both teach and learn as you interact with others and this is an acceleration to your expansion, but we will not ...answer... the energy behind your question, which is a request to remove what only you can remove. There is accuracy in the information that you have shown yourself. And it is now your choice as to what that means for you, and it what way you wish to receive it. If you choose for it to allow you to move more into *who you know yourself to be*, then, this will allow you to remove the blocks that you have asked us to help you with. We believe we have not answered the question directly and that you have the answer that you need.

Q: From what I intuit, you have access to the consciousness present amongst the people here. So is there anything you’d like us to become consciously aware of or bring to the forefront of our awareness?

A: We see you as the flames of candles, each believing itself to be in the darkness and standing alone. And we see how simple it would be if all these candles were to lie down, how much light would be generated by the unified fire that is created. We wish, so much, for you to see the light in one another and see how this burning is communal.. and how even those that you do not agree with, fundamentally and ultimately want exactly what you want. It is a word that is so misused and misunderstood in all of your languages, but, love truly is the answer to all questions. Except for the question: ‘What is for dinner?’ To which the answer is, pizza.

Kidding aside, you have the ability inside each of you to cultivate this knowing of how there is no separation. You can reach into your parts and find that spark in every moment. And when you do you will find...there was never anything to fear, ever. Your brains have the capacity to allow you to see with your physical eyes that there is no separation.

If you choose, you can look at your physical self in the mirror, or another self and relax. And as you look into the eyes, with time, your brain will release a hormone that allows you to see that there is nothing but self. This is a natural phenomenon that exists so that humans will recognize their children as part of them and will not harm them normally in their infancy. You can use this biological tool to have a direct experience of the union between beings and as you sense this you may then activate this response when you look at a tree or a table or a book.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that eye-gazing, which is what this is, has anything to do with the other person. As it is simply you realizing that you ARE the other person, and there may be people who you trust more, or are more attracted to or aligned with that stimulate this function quicker for you, but if unity is the end goal, then labeling another self as special takes you from your goal. As opposed to bringing you towards it, so you may practice in whatever way with whomever you choose, but as your practice develops know that the love you have for one will become the love you have for all if that is your choice, and if not, there is no problem. You may enjoy your sweetheart.

Q: Would you share with us something about our sun that we don’t know or aren't fully aware of how it benefits us?

A: You are asking for scientific information when you say ‘that we don’t already know. You already Know. You already know that words mean nothing. You already know that the star is what gives you all life. You know that all benefit is merit of your sun. All existence is merit of your sun. and billions of other coincidences in your linear time that have led to this moment. The galaxies, planets and stars and moons and everything in the cosmos is perfectly orchestrated and as you came to fear your sun in recent times, and vilify it, you’ve had the opportunity to see how fear and vilification create the exact effect that one fears or vilifies. You may enjoy your sun freely, for your body is made of the same exact matter. And so, your body will tell you exact quantities of sun it desires and you can listen to that and trust it. And in the same way, the electromagnetic rays and waves that arrive to you as a planet are the same as the planet. And you may think of All That Is as one organism that is in perfect harmony. Nothing can happen that is out of harmony. Your scientists will not know all there is to know, for they have chosen NOT to know.

But, you can. Isn’t it beautiful? Doesn’t it confirm that you are loved? And what more do you need to know?

Q: Hello, I have a question…I recently came back from a beautiful hiking trip in sweden, where this was a lot of mosquitos, and since I was a kid I've had a love/hate relationship with them and also see the purpose in them. I was just wanting to see if you could speak on the purpose and meaning of mosquitos and the effect or consequence they have on our state of consciousness or the lessons we can learn from them.

A: As you might imagine, there are people in the world who do not have interaction with mosquitos and in their consciousness, mosquitos have zero significance and no meaning. And so from this imagination, you may come to realize that your experience with mosquitoes and the relationship that you have created with them is directly related to your portion of consciousness. And so, anything directly related to one’s portion of consciousness is directly related to a lesson that they would choose to learn. We could speak on this topic from the experience of the vessel as well who also loves, no, does not love mosquitoes, and yet made a decision this year to no longer be bitten by them. And so, her relationship with the consciousness of the mosquitoes was in order to learn that she could choose something that seemed radical and impossible to her and to have confirmation that the radical and impossible IS possible, once one chooses. It was an experiment, there was some level of doubt, and yet the lesson was learnt. Every annoyance that arrives in your field, even those that seem universal is both universal, and back to our earlier discussion, personal, because your portion of all that is, chose to have that experience, in order to expand from that experience. In your case, it may not be that you are being asked to choose to not have mosquito bites, but it may be something completely different. The mosquito may be a metaphor for some other aspect, and maybe in your field of awareness. So that you can have a beautiful realization or… it may lead you to manufacture a new form of insect repellant may keep you out of the woods. You may choose at any time what mosquitoes mean to you, if they prevent you from going on hikes, that is your choice. And if they prevent you from sitting around a campfire, that is your choice, and if they teach you that reality is an illusion, that is your choice. And remember too , that you are the mosquito. It would not exist without you. And you could not exist without it., or some version of it, like a dead mosquito. (laughter from the audience)

We will take one more question for today.

Q: I’m looking for what you would say to the beings who are afraid of news being shared about 5G. And so could you speak to that fear for us?

A: We do not speak to fear, because fear does not exist. But we understand the question.

The answer remains the same that fear does not exist. It is a choice. It is not powerful on its own. If one is afraid they are choosing to be afraid. It is not something that happens TO someone. It is something they choose...and that is ok. The topic is not important. IT does not matter if you are afraid of 5G or clowns.

The solution is the same, is to find the belief inside of you that makes you think that that fear is useful or valid. What would fearing something ever produce? It does not produce safety, it does not produce action. There are things you would prefer or not prefer in your reality. Fear does not bring the things that you prefer to you. It brings what you do not prefer to you and so...if you are afraid of clowns, it is wise not to go to children’s birthday parties if you are afraid. But if you are not afraid, then you are free to go to children’s birthday parties, and the vessel is suggesting ‘But I don’t know why you would want to’. (laughter)

It if fear arises over any subject one can move towards the cause of the fear until it is seen that that is the illusion. Once seen as the illusion, there is an automatic shift into a timeline where the thing that was once feared, is now neutral and no longer a threat. Or, it is removed from one’s reality altogether. And we know you want suggestions on how to navigate your reality in subjects such as these: ‘shall we fight against the evils of the world’. And it comes back to faith. That battle is always inside of you. And that reality WILL transform itself to its new understandings.

The opposition and argument that arises when you hear these words...the “what if”, “but”, “if I”...all those...bring them back to love. And that is a start. In this moment, you are safe, and only the belief that you could not be safe, is what is creating and unsafe future moment, and we guarantee you in an unsafe future moment, you are also safe. There is also the misunderstanding of what you are.

Just see how useless fear really is, and tell the part of you that is afraid...that is OK. and don’t watch Stephen King movies**

We have had so much fun..and we hope to have an amazing day. With love and light, goodbye.


*The video for the session was being cast to Bas, Elysia, Stephanie and Karissa on a giant movie screen in the room they were in. The entity joked about being a movie star for this reason.

** The entity chose 'fear of clowns' due to my own fear of clowns resulting from watching Stephen King's 'It' as a child. Incidentally, the remake of the same story to film was announced in theaters a few days after this session.


Channeled by JP Herman

Transcribed by Karissa Wieskamp

To watch the video of the session click here:

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