JP Herman

Jul 25, 201910 min

Session 01.11 - 25.07.2019

2:10pm - Duration 56:24

Public (digital) session - Participants: Karissa Wieskamp, Blaire Elysia, Fabio Valentini



Q: Usually when we go to converse with you, I feel super nervous and anxious. I’m curious if there's a reason or answer for that or a way I can re-frame things so I can bring things into my own consciousness so i feel relaxed speaking to you all?

A: We would say first to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. As you finding a fault with this nervousness, or what you have labeled as nervousness. Perhaps you are not nervous, you are just as your are. And perhaps the nervousness does not prevent you from your intention. Beyond that, you could ask yourself why you would feel nervous and you could excavate the root cause for the sensation. It could only be from a perception that are not as you would like to be. Do you have an idea why you are nervous?

Q: Um yeah I think, there’s this idea of, I need to have really good questions for you all and I only have a limited amount of time so they have to be really good questions.

A: First there is no limit of time. As time is an idea and the concept that lies beyond time is timeless and infinite, and second, there is no good questions for anything that you could possibly express, will always bring you to the answers that you are seeking.

Q: (shared laughter)

A: You could ask us what color shirt to wear tomorrow and if there was an answer in your field that you were seeking, you would understand that answer through our response.

Q: Great, thank you, super quick.

Q: I’m curious if you could give me a name for the light beings I feel I have connected with most recently, because I like the idea of this personalized friendship and collaboration. Would you share anything on that with me?

A: We can see the light being you are referring to and will confirm your personal relationship. However, this is not a clear name to be had at this moment, or, it does not want to be communicated to you in this way. We sense that this being really does value your connection and would prefer you not to rush the relationship..or try to…...use your mind when... this communication is not of those avenues. You are able to ask the being directly this question. And they will give you a name as soon as you are willing to receive it.¹

Q: Ok so something that has popped into my perception recently is the idea of the hybrid program and that I might be part of the hybrid program and potentially used to culture, life, and it's like removed from me. Can you speak on this, in general or personally for me if that’s true..or?

A: You are not sure what you want to know on this topic. We have spoken with the vessel on this topic recently, you have not yet heard that. We are not yet able to answer your question directly, on a personal level, because you do not truly want to know. The topic itself is present in your timeline but whether or not you choose to pull the knowledge of it into your consciousness is only a question that you can decide. You must remember there are no truths that you have not consented to, and so as your curiosity for this topic develops or does not develop, so will your awareness of your involvement or non involvement, and we will end with the statement that this topic is not relevant to all and to those it is not relevant, it would not arise in their experience.

Q: Ok.

Q: Um, when it comes to making decisions, can you be sure on how to make decisions that will be aligned with my highest path?

A: The vessel is concerned that the connection has cut out.

Q: The connection looks fine.

A: With regards to can tap into their intuition or what their emotions tell them about their decision. It is advisable to remain outside the realms of fear when making decisions. One way to do this is to know there is no incorrect decisions so any fear one would have around a topic could be immediately dissolved as the fear, once the decision is made, is immediately neutralized, because even if there is -what you would say- is a consequence to a decision, that consequence or…..chain reaction ...will still be in one’s highest interest.

A comfortable way to focus on best case decisions is to know yourself for then any decision that is not in alignment with yourself is then less attractive than any decision that is in alignment with yourself, but remember that many circumstances are presented to you for you to remember who you are and until you know who you are, there will be situations that appear to help you understand who you are. If you have a goal or knowing who you are, it becomes really easy to make decisions, because you will always be able to align yourself with that focus as opposed to lower focus or ego desire or needs that appear ...and know that, while you are always choosing, you never have all of the information in your mind for a choice. Beyond that, the imagined consequences of choosing are always illusions because one can not know what their choice lead to, both short and long term.

Q: Can you describe to us what is the ego?

A: The ego is separation.

It is each and every moment and thought that you believe yourself to separate from the whole. Humans feel they are bound by their physical form and are taught they are separate BECAUSE of their physical form and so it is easy to believe that one is separate but with this belief system, one makes….. colossal sacrifices of parts of…. Or OF what they are. It is both a natural and understandable process and a completely unnatural and incomprehensible process.

There is no escape from ego, from within the game of the ego...and there's no need to escape. And so while on the one hand it makes sense to make people aware of the ego, as it is described, perhaps, it may be more efficient to begin to talk in terms of separation.

And so, in any situation one could say ‘oh, I'm in my ego’, if the vocabulary was simply changed to ‘oh, i am in separation’ there may be logical connections for returning to the whole.

Q: (group laughter of realization)

A: When one returns to the whole, there is no ego there is nothing to fight. And so, it is not a reality only a choice of infinite realities.

Q: I'm curious about...integrating the mind and the heart with also the idea of the Merkaba for the purposes of greater remember and expression of unconditional love. Would you expand on any of that?

A: Yes. The heart you speak about in this question, I believe, is not a physical heart but the universal heart.

The difference between the mind and the heart, is the mind is a tool.

It is a tool that, in your species, facilitates communication.. as communication on the heart level was more difficult to materialize in a physical form ...from the brain mind to the heart mind allows one to reclaim the majesty of the brain and to begin to use it for its original purposes.

Integration implies separation, and this is not so.

Your heart can already encompass your mind, but mind does not allow an encompassing of the heart for it speaks a different language. For universal or unconditional love to appear, one can practice faith and quieting the mind, yet not stifling it, for it, as your body, is also an ally, for without it you would not be.

And if your goal truly is universal or unconditional or infinite love, may simply ask your mind to cooperate and stop resisting that.

You are not your mind.

Your thoughts are not yours.

And while they influence your experience and perhaps seem outside of your direct control at times..they are not.

You choose every thought that you have.

The only question is why.

If you decide first on the why: WHY you would choose your thoughts... then you will continue to choose only thoughts that align with that, and no integration will be necessary.

Q: So you said our thoughts are not our thoughts, so I'm curious, would you describe...what ARE thoughts and where do they come from and if they’re not mine then whose are they?

A: To have all that is be ALL that is...ALL is necessary.

And so, you find yourself in a version of the All where the manifestation that you call thoughts exist.. floating around all of consciousness.

And then, as these perceived separate beings, each can receive these...packets or ...flashes ...which turn into thought, based upon their receptivity to them.

You asked who created them or whose are they ...they are no one's. They are The One's. And in reality there is only one thought, but what you perceive as a never ending stream of consciousness is not yours in the way you identify with it. It is no one's. To explain this further, you may use the example of the wind.²

The wind does not belong to anyone.

It just is.

And sometimes it blows in your face, and moves your hair and gives you a chill and passes through you.

Thoughts are similar and yet, with the wind, you do not have control aside from where you position yourself in an environment whether or not you will be chilled by the wind.

With thoughts, you may also position yourself to either be blown by the thoughts or not.

You may shelter yourself from thoughts that you do not prefer by positioning yourself out of their range vibrationally.

And it is only when we identify only with our thoughts that we stand in a hurricane and allow ourselves to be blown over.

If you do not identify with your thoughts...

When there's a heavy wind you do not say:

"This is where I meant to stand! This is my position!"

You would simply move out of the way!

The more of you who learn to move out of the way, the less hurricane thoughts will be added to the collective and eventually, there will be no storms.

And this is why we have come to talk to you.

Q: Do you have a directive for us, listening here, to directly support Gaia?

A: Yes, be You.

(group laughs)

A: You cannot in your full alignment help to be part of the solution.

There is nothing you have to do to be part of the solution except be who you came here to be.

Free will a bitch.

(group laughs)

A: Of course that is humor, but we say that because the way the game has been set up means that each of you have the option to choose to be other than what you are internally, and in doing so have distanced yourself from your own desires.

Each of you desires to see joy in the face of a child.

And each of you desires to feel safe and love and in your confusion and comparisons and sense of separation you have used your free will to silence these elementary desires and you have introduced fear over the most simple of concepts that is the creator created you exactly as you are, for the exact reason that it created you.

Free will allows you to question the Creator!

And it is in your prerogative to do so, and to learn from that questioning, but there is a more straight root to see joy in the face of a child and feeling safe and being in a comfortable environment.

Thy will be done, thy kingdom come.

You see, the only true will IS the creator’s will.

Because any will that you may have.. has been created with you.

Understand that your will is the creator’s will and the creator’s will is yours and it resolves the worthiness paradox.

It resolves the self love paradox.

It resolves the love for others paradox and it positions you to be activated to be your highest version!

You cannot fight what is, because it has already won.

And the game that you have come here to play really is to simply realize that you are the creator, and so there is nothing left to do... but be you.

Q: Would you give me guidance on what would be beneficial to focus on first thing upon waking up?

A: upon waking up, it may be beneficial to forget everything that you ever knew and to acknowledge and remember the pure essence of existence.

That you exist.

Or what is called I AM.

It may be difficult to forget everything you ever knew, as there's a tendency to reinforce linearity upon waking, but, if you were to pretend to forget, or see every memory or assumption that appears as irrelevant to this new day, then you would be better equipped to face the new day, from the space of your true intention.

If you faced every day as a new-born child, you would have access beyond wisdom beyond comprehension and your curiosity and wonder would lead you quickly in the most efficient directions.

Other practices could include gratitude, and reinforcing your core intentions, however, both of these practices would have you recall circumstances and situations from the past.

We will take one more question, if there is.

Q: Would you share any information for us here in the monastery³ as a group?

A: Please repeat the question

Q: Do you have any guidance or direction or information that would be helpful for us here in the monastery as a group?

A: In group situations, it is……..wonderful to have communication and shared intentions, however these must arise naturally and cannot be contrived or constructed even via the best intention.

We would advise the beings in the group you are referring to, to continue their noble voyage towards self as individuals and to continue to support, as they do, your shared voyage towards self, potentially on more active levels.

However, this would need to come from an internal desire of each of the beings and so, as part (a member) of that group, if this is your internal desire, then to you we could say ‘to begin this more active support and see if the others would join in after your example.'

Once one of a group sets a new intention for the benefits of the entire group, the entire group automatically benefits, and that intention naturally spreads.

If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change.⁴

We do not know how to sing.

Have faith, it is all happening and it starts with you.

For a long time, all of you, had to put your enormous hearts on ice, and had to protect yourself from your own desire because All the evidence around you said it was impossible.

All around you said it was not going to happen, that this is how things were, this is how things are, be realistic, grow up, stop dreaming....

And yet, we are at a threshold where the sadness because of the words that you heard can be released.

You faith will make the change that you desire.

We love you and we leave you.

Have a wonderful day.

Q: Thank you.


Notes from Jess:

¹The questioner later asked the being she was in contact with and were told it was the Archangel Michael.

²Here a full sensory experience began including temperature, visuals, smells, sound and the sensation of the wind. In it a brick wall to my left that I could stand behind to get out of the wind.

³This refers to a specific group of conscious people co-living together of which the questioners are a part.

⁴Here I was transmitted several lines of the song Man in The Mirror by Michael Jackson. The first three lines were not expressed verbally but the forth came out as flat as the rest of the transmission. I believe the entity wanted to actually have me sing the line.


Channeled by JP Herman

Transcribed by Karissa Wieskamp

